A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 28 September-1 October 2017

This issue covers the period 28 September-1 October 2017. Israeli online networks addressed a number of topics. The Israeli virtual world were intensely preoccupied with the operation, which took place in the settlement of Har Adar.

Last Tuesday, three Israeli security officers were killed in a shooting in the vicinity of the Har Adar settlement near Jerusalem. In addition to a Border Guard Police officer, two civilian guards, including Yousef Uthman from Abu Ghosh, were killed in the operation. Another security officer sustained critical bullet wounds. Nimer Jamal, the 37-year-old attacker from the village of Beit Surik, was martyred.

The virtual world was excessively preoccupied with this incident, showing solidarity with the killed officers and their families. While deliberating failure of the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet), online networks also asked whether Har Adar was a settlement or not. A significant portion was of the view that Har Adar was a settlement, which should be evacuated. A political settlement should also be reached. Others believed that Har Adar was located inside the Green Line. The operation stresses the prevailing opinion that withdrawal from settlements and a peaceful solution cannot prevent “terrorist” operations against the Israelis.

This week, some Israelis attacked the High Court and its President Mariam Naour on online networks. Naour announced that the High Court would boycott the jubilee celebrations of Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory. Celebrations were organised in the Gosh Etzion settlement bloc on Wednesday evening.

According to Naour, the “celebration is a subject of controversy. Therefore, it was decided that no representatives of the High Court would participate in the celebration.”

On the other hand, some people supported Naour’s position, highlighting that the event was political and controversial. The judicial system should maintain its independence.

Following a longstanding struggle and closure of roads across the country, a historical agreement was signed between the organisations of people with special needs and the government to raise the allowances of these people. Representatives of people with special needs reached an agreement with the government to raise disability allowances. The agreement covers the period from January 2018 towards 2021.

Although it was generally welcomed, the agreement was opposed, allegedly because it did not match the aspirations of people with special needs.