A weekly newsletter monitoring key issues in the new media of Israel 6-10 September 2017

This issue covers the period 6-10 September 2017. Israeli online networks were preoccupied with a number of topics, including the appointment of Esther Hayut as President of the High Court. Hayut was appointed to this post against the will of Ayelet Shaked, Minister of Justice. While some commended it, other Israeli online networks mocked the appointment of Hayut.

Hayut was recently appointed as President of the Israeli High Court, succeeding retired Justice Mariam Naour. Justice Hanan Melcer was appointed Deputy President of the High Court as a successor of Arab Justice Saleem Jubran. Hayut and Melcer will hold their offices after they make the oath before the Israeli President at the end of October 2017.

This week, media sources reported that a draft charging instrument was developed to be filed against Sarah, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife.

According to these sources, the charging instrument was not officially filed. However, judicial authorities, Sarah and her husband were notified of the charging instrument. It will be submitted after a hearing session is held with Sarah. This issue provoked Israeli online networks, which made sarcastic comments on Sarah’s requests.

In addition, the present newsletter monitored topics that showed significant interaction, including likes, shares, comments or circulations in the media.

Lydda Mayor Yair Revivo’s post scored wide interaction. In his post, Revivo apologised to the Muslims of Lydda. Accusing the Palestinian Authority of incitement, a post published by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, Tzipi Hotovely, registered thousands of shares and likes.

The most shared post was that of Yair Netanyahu, the Prime Minister’s son, in which he objected to the investigations with his father. Yair posted an anti-Semitic caricature, leading to a counter campaign launched against him.