Special Reports

Reports on current and emerging issues in Israel.

Initiator: Avi Dichter (Likud) and 13 MKs from coalition parties 

Bill no.: 1989/20/F

On Wednesday, 10 May 2017, the Knesset endorsed in a preliminary ready the so-called Bill on “Israel the National State of the Jewish People” with a majority vote of 48 MKs from all coalition parties as well as 41 MKs from all opposition parties. However, the government representative minister announced that, in agreement with the bill initiator, the

legislative process would be suspended for 60 days until the government could submit a parallel bill. The government also announced its reservations over two provisions under the bill.
In addition to Dichter, 13 MKs initiated the law, namely Avraham Neguise, Yoav Kish, Nava Boker, Dudu Amsalem and David Bitan (Likud); Yanon Migal (resigned later), Bezalel Smotrich and Mordhay Yogev (The Jewish Home); Tali Ploskov and Eli Cohen (Kulanu [All of Us]); and Robert Ilatov and Hamad Amar (Yisrael Beiteinu [Israel Our Home]). The bill was also co-initiated by Orly Levy-Abekasis when she was a member of Yisrael Beiteinu. Later, Levy-Abekasis broke away from the party and joined the opposition bloc.