Position Papers

It reads and analyzes new issues and anticipates their effects and repercussions, whether on the Israeli scene or on the Palestinian cause.
  • Position Papers
  • 1218

This paper provides an analysis of the Israeli vision and moves in relation to the future of the Syrian scene and its impact on Israeli interests from the perspective of Israel itself.
The paper argues that the hopes Israel had pinned on the new Trump administration were disappointing. Russia has remained the key player the Syrian scene. Moreover, Trump embraced the Russian position. Israel realises that guaranteeing Israeli interests is based on cooperation with Russia, rather than reliance on the USA alone. The

Syrian scene will bring the Iranian danger back to the fore in the Israeli discourse as a threat to Israel’s national security. Israel considers that Iran’s settlement in Syria as a political and military power will aggravate security risks against Israel. It tightens the grip on the northern front of Israel. The paper shows that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been using the same technique he used with the Iranian nuclear programme. He threatened to launch a war and military confrontation if Iran stays in Syria after ISIS is defeated and the Syrian question is settled between the USA and Russia. In his recent meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Russia, Netanyahu indicated that when Israel talks, the world knows that it can also take action. Netanyahu used this technique when he dealt with the Iranian nuclear file. He threatened to, inter alia, launch an Israeli military strike on Iranian nuclear facilities.