Madar Podcast

Presenting the Israeli scene in a manner that combines the academic-educational and critical-analytical dimensions, covering topics including the political-partisan scene, social fissures inside Israel, colonial practices, occupation and foreign relations, and other issues.
  • Religious Zionism Series
  • 207
  • Dr. Mohannad Mustafa

This is the third and final episode of the series on religious Zionism with Dr. Muhannad Mustafa. The Israeli redeployment under the Oslo Accords (1993-1999) and the plan for “disengagment” from the Gaza Strip (2005) dealt a painful blow to the concept of sovereignty over the entire "Land of Israel," as perceived by religious Zionism. These events alarmed religious Zionist leaders, plunging them into an internal debate about how to preserve Jewish settlement in the occupied territories from the "concessions" of the State of Israel and its future political leaders. Dr. Mustafa concludes this trilogy by explaining the "preventive" strategy of religious Zionism: “Settling the Hearts” of ISraelis.