Madar Podcast

Presenting the Israeli scene in a manner that combines the academic-educational and critical-analytical dimensions, covering topics including the political-partisan scene, social fissures inside Israel, colonial practices, occupation and foreign relations, and other issues.
  • Season 4
  • 190
  • Dr. Amtanes Shehadeh

This episode focuses on the structural changes that Netanyahu's sixth government seeks to introduce in the relationship between the legislative branch (the Knesset) and the judiciary (the Israeli Supreme Court), aiming to expand the powers of politicians and reduce the normative oversight role of the judiciary. Dr. Amtanes Shehadeh, former Knesset member and director of the policy unit at Mada al-Carmel Center, analyzes the consequences of the right-wing, religious, settler, and extremist Israeli government's assault on the judicial system. He explores how these changes aim to extend the government's hegemony over key state institutions and how this might impact the future of the occupation of the territories occupied in 1967.