A bill legalising security conditions for funerals of Palestinian combatants

Proposed Laws

(The law mainly targets Arabs who do not serve in the Army)

Proposer of Bill: Hamad Ammar (Yisrael Beytenu) and others

Bill 4778/20/F

KM Hamad Ammar, from Yisrael Beytenu, and three other KMs from the same political bloc submitted a bill that gives preferential treatment in employment in the Service Sector to those who serve in the State Army.


In addition to KM Hamad Ammar, KMs: Robert Illatof, Oded Forer and Orly Levi Abekasis, all members of Yisrael Beytenu, the latter, however, is no longer a member of the party.

Chances of Legislation

This is one of several bills that give preferential treatment to those who serve in the army in employment and higher education. The bill mainly targets Arab citizens who are not subject to mandatory conscription. During the 18th Knesset, KM, Hamad Ammar (soldier in the Reserve Army) proposed a bill that gives preferential treatment to Arabs who serve in the Army and Civil Service, over those who do not. The bill got the support of Netaniyahu’s government at the time, despite the objection of the Attorney General. The bill was approved in both the preliminary and first readings, however, the legislation process was suspended after appeals were submitted against it in court, and it was obvious that the bill will be rejected for contravening with the law of Equal Opportunities.

The bill gives preferential treatment to mandatory conscripts and those who serve in the State army over those who don’t. It does not seem that there are big chances for the law to be legislated.