A bill to separate Palestinian neighbourhoods from Jerusalem

(Titled Bill for the Salvation of Jerusalem, this bill proposes a separation of all villages (neighbourhoods) annexed to the Jerusalem area in 1967)

Initiator: Yoel Hasson from the Zionist Camp
Bill No. 4546/20/F


MK Yoel Hasson from the opposition bloc Zionist Camp proposed a bill titled, Bill for the Salvation of Jerusalem as a Jewish and Democratic Capital.

The bill proposes that all neighbourhoods annexed to Jerusalem in 1967 be separated and transferred to Areas B and C. In other words, that these neighbourhoods, which used to be considered as villages, be completely separated from the city of Jerusalem. In this context, more than 200,000 Jerusalemites would be isolated from their city.

Prospects of the bill
It is not possible to submit this bill at the current 20th Knesset.

(A bill requiring a majority vote of 80 out of 120 MKs to endorse any amendment to the Basic Law “Jerusalem the Capital of Israel”. At the government’s request, however, this Law can be repealed by another law, which has a majority vote of 61 MKs. In the first reading, another provision was introduced to the bill, providing the that it will be applicable to the city area as determined by the Jerusalem Municipality. This is intended to pave the way to isolate Palestinian suburbs from the city. Attached is the original text of the Law and the bill endorsed in the first reading.)