Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 22-09-2015

• Front Page:

o Netanyahu asked Putin to prevent attacks being launched from Syria at Israel.
o The European Union hints at the possibility of tightening restrictions against the settlements if Israel intensifies their construction.

o Interview with Dr. Riad Kamel: “Students under the Arab education system receive only 34% of the funding received by public school students and the government wishes to further reduce it.
• A word at the beginning:

o The Effect of Demography in Israel – Beyond the Numbers

• Inner Pages:

o Analysis: Netanyahu’s visit to Russia aims to draw up basic guidelines for the relationship between the Israeli and Russian militaries in Syria.
o Deri: “Netanyahu wants very much to form a national unity government.
o In light of Judicial reservations, Netanyahu: The government has the right to expand open fire regulations as well as stiffen punishment for stone throwers.
o Israeli Analysis: Netanyahu and his partners attempt to mask their political impotence regarding Jerusalem with boisterous demagoguery.
o Theoretical approach: linking a particular religion with a particular people entails a host of ethical and existential problems as it relates to the existence of a Jewish people and its actions throughout the history of mankind.

• Financial Scene:

o The disintegration of the “solid nucleus” in Israeli society is more influential on the future of the state than Netanyahu, Kahlon and natural gas.
o Economic growth is akin to stagnation and the Ministry of Finance lowers expectations.

• Financial Digest:

o International Monetary Fund: Houses in Israel cost 30% more than they are worth.
o Exports continue to decline.
o Family debts and loans increase by 115 billion dollars.

• Follow-up:

o West Jerusalem: 10 thousand Haredi students study at schools that are not subject to state monitoring or inspection.
o Israel’s education system is behind those of developed countries.

• Special Reports:

o Israeli policy continues to impose a distressing, dangerous and hopeless life on residents of the Gaza Strip.
o Missile manufacturers in Israel generate billions of dollars.

• Last Page:

o The claim that ISIS poses a greater threat to Israel than Iran is silly.
o 15 years on, the theory of the “strong man” to lead Israel is fading.