Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 13-01-2015

• Front Page:

o Deri Withdraws his resignation and resumes his leadership of Shas Party.
o Barak: Netanyahu’s decisive factor is his political survival.
o The Shabak accuses a young Arab man of attempting to join Jihadist Organizations in Syria.

o New Report: Lack of political compromise and frequent wars among the reasons for Israeli citizens’ lack of benefit from economic growth.

• Inner Pages:

o Suspicions of corruption in Liberman’s party: Bribery, nepotism and tens of millions stolen from Israeli coffers.
o Under pressure of international isolation and upcoming election campaign, Israel seeks to exploit France attacks to justify its policies.
o Likud gains ground at the expense of Yisrael Beiteinu.
o Against the backdrop of Israel’s general elections, Yair Lapid: Poverty in Israel is due to Netanyahu’s negligence; the Yesh Atid Party will run for election alone.
o Critical Assessment of military engagement with Palestinian factions in Gaza concludes: The battle is not merely military.
o Israel evaluates the year’s achievements. Channel One’s foreign affairs correspondent: 2015 will be worse than 2014 which was not good.
o The electoral threshold increase and how it reflects on the Arab public in Israel.
o In its decision to reject a petition submitted by 8 human rights organizations, once again Israel’s Supreme Court upholds the policy of home demolition claiming it is “deterrent and not punitive”.
• Financial Scene:

o 2014: Growth up by 2.6%, standard of living by 1.8%
o Does Israel’s financial press serve the interest of the fat cats?

• Financial Digest:

o Raising the minimum wage: Stuck between threats and actual implementation.
o Nearly 240,000 new cars sold last year.

• Follow-up:

o Warnings about Israel’s continued decline in stature and its unpreparedness to face Palestinian steps internationally.
o Despite no military decision to open an investigation as of yet, Israeli officers and soldiers prepare for a legal battle regarding their actions in the Rafah massacre.

• Last Page:

o The pipeline explosion in the South of Israel ignites a scandal of hidden political, security and power-related dimensions.
o MADAR Center Activities: A thorough look at Antoine Shalhat’s new book entitled: Netanyahu’s Ideology.