Special Reports

Reports on current and emerging issues in Israel.
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Relations between Israel and the Kurds, particularly in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, have resurfaced following the referendum for independence of this region. According to results of the referendum, held on 25 September 2017, 92 percent of the population in the Kurdistan region north of Iraq voted for independence and separation from the Iraqi state.

Not secret any more, the relations between Israel and the Kurdistan region of Iraq are complex. They are governed by international and regional relations and changing regimes in the some countries. In particular, the Israeli-Kurdish relations have been affected by the Iranian regime, which shifted from a pro-Western attitude under the Shah to one that is inimical to the West and USA in the aftermath of the Islamic Revolution and proclamation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Israeli position seems to be associated with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, hostility between Israel and Iran, and tense relations between Israel and Turkey. This position is shaped by economic interests too.
Despite the Israeli media blackout, Israel has been reportedly importing oil from the Kurdistan region of Iraq.