Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 25-08-2015

• Front Page:

o Calls from within Israel’s academic establishment to implement force-feeding of prisoners on hunger strike.
o A legal position paper published by Gisha: The “Policy of Separation” between Gaza and the West Bank contradicts Israel’s obligations according to International Law.

o Rivlin holds a conciliatory meeting with settlement leaders: “Our right to the land is a basic reality not subject to political discord”.
o An exclusive Israeli Scene interview with former Director General of Israel’s Foreign Ministry Dr. Alon Liel: “Turkey has recalled its Chargé d’affaires from Tel Aviv to pressure Israel into reaching an agreement with Hamas.”

• Inner Pages:

o The Association for Civil Rights in Israel’s new report: The Apartheid wall has turned Palestinian neighborhoods in Jerusalem into ghettos.
o The majority of American Jews support the Iran nuclear deal.
o New analysis: Israel now faces two crucial diplomatic tests, Iran’s nuclear agreement and the Palestinian question.
o Barak: “Netanyahu is weak and does not have the courage to see the negotiations with the Palestinians to the end.”
o The cartels are the biggest beneficiaries of Israel’s Natural gas plan.
o Molad’s yearly poll: The majority of Israelis support a political settlement with the Palestinians, but failure by the center-left alliance to offer a credible vision has prevented turning popular positions into political support.

• Financial Scene:

o Rates of workforce participation have increased Among Arab and Haredi Women.
o It is the season of “grim reports” as Israel’s state budget awaits approval.

• Financial Digest:

o Slow growth in the High-tech sector stirs the economy.
o Ahead of the Jewish Holidays, meats are at the center of a “price war”.
o Local tourism declines while external tourism is on the rise.
• Follow-up:

o The foundations of the traditional concept of defense no longer meet the continually evolving challenges and threats.
o New studies and documents show: Israel’s government is dodging the development of a modern concept of defense.

• Special Reports:

o Putting the Religious Zionists in charge of the New Jewish Identity Initiative has ignited a previously dormant disagreement.
o The rift grows between the Haredim and Religious Zionists in Israel.

• Last Page:

o In an unprecedented move and as though the minister had “forgotten” her position and the responsibilities it entails: The Minister of Justice incites against the Supreme Court following a direct attempt at intimidating its judges and complete silence in light of threats to destroy it.
o Netanyahu: The Supreme Court decision concurs in principle with the state’s position of zero tolerance to illegal infiltrators.