Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 04-08-2015

• Front Page:

o The latest assessment by Israel’s security establishment: The killers of the Dawabsheh infant seek to establish an Israeli regime based on Jewish law.
o Back to the “Agreed-upon Israeli Lies”.

o An exclusive Israel Scene interview with Haifa University’s History Of the Israeli People lecturer, professor Dani Gutfein: “The traditional Israeli right feels threatened by the terrorist attack in Duma.”

• Inner Pages:

o Israeli analysts: The war that Netanyahu is waging against the American administration regarding the Iran deal will have a heavy price, payment of which may be painful and surprising.
o Comprehensive right-wing alliance (from coalition to opposition) is forged to ensure control over the Judicial Selection Committee.
o Netanyahu’s government endures the Knesset’s summer session and prepares for a winter of crises.
o Analysis: The Israeli government’s leniency with Jewish terrorists led to the heinous attack in Duma.

• Financial Scene:

o New calls to raise the age of retirement due to an increase in the average age.
o Demographic changes contribute to the slowing pace of economic growth.

• Financial Digest:

o Preliminary agreement: Children’s allocations will be reassigned as savings.
o Unemployment is up to 5.2% in April.
o New car sales are up by 0.6%.

• Special Coverage:

o Molad Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy report: “Price Tag” gangs were created and funded by official government institutions.
o A position paper submitted to the 2014 Herzliya Summit called for the declaration of “Price Tag” groups as terrorist organizations.

• Follow-up:

o Israel conceals arms deals used to commit war crimes in Africa and Latin America.
o Israel sells arms to countries which are under international sanctions.

• Special Reports:

o Locker Committee Reports: Israel’s defense budget management suffers from “systematic failure”.
o The Iran nuclear deal: A resounding failure for Netanyahu’s policy.

• Last Page:

o On Israel’s Supreme Court ruling in the Im Tirtzu case: The right-wing movements and organizations’ claims of slander and defamation will no longer serve them as an effective “silencer”.
o How many Egyptians live in Israel?