Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 07-07-2015

• Front Page:

o Lapid: Netanyahu should resign if Iran Nuclear Deal is signed.
o 6 Arab citizens from al-Naqab including 4 teachers are accused of supporting ISIS.
o Exclusive Israeli Scene interview with political analyst and expert on American-Israeli relations Akiva Eldar: “Netanyahu and Obama’s relationship can be described as completely devoid of trust.”


• Inner Pages:

o Researchers from the Tel Aviv University’s Institute for National Security Studies: Israel must boldly consider the ISIS phenomenon as more dangerous than the Iranian threat.
o Prominent Israeli military analyst: ISIS fighting capabilities in Sinai constitute a new challenge for the Israeli military.
o The Association for Civil Rights in Israel’s lawsuit against the Israeli Security Agency: The Shabak must stop summoning social and political activists to so-called “warning talks” to terrorize, threaten, pressure and blackmail them.
o Labor MKs yet again dissolve their differences with the right wing.

• Financial Scene:

o Netanyahu wants to save his government with a 3-year state budget.
o Dependency on foreign labor destroys the construction sector in Israel.

• Financial Digest:

o Travel abroad increases by 10%.
o Arab families make up 38% of Israel’s poor.
o Preliminary approval of law on severance pay for resigned employees.

• Special Coverage:

o Analysis: Netanyahu’s plan enjoys American support; Netanyahu fails to pass government plan to regulate the natural gas sector.
o The compromise agreement with the natural gas cartel as dictated by the Security Cabinet of Israel.
o Israeli government guarantees15 years of immunity to the Leviathan gas field stakes owners.

• Follow-up:

o Warnings within Israel’s military of intense bombardment of populated areas in future war.
o Who wrote the Torah’s Books of the Former Prophets and what were their goals?

• Special Reports:

o New Adva Center report on the “burden of the conflict”: Defense budgets are increased at the expense of social spending.
o The right-wing government intensifies proposals of antidemocratic, racist laws.

• Last Page:

o Official “internal and secret” Israeli report on the consequences of the boycott movement and its effects on Israel’s economy: Failure of peace negotiations may push E.U. to implement binding “guidelines” to boycott Israeli settlement goods and products.
o B’tselem: U.N. report is a reminder that human beings live in the Gaza Strip and that it is not a battlefield.