Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 23-06-2015

• Front Page:

o “Two thirds of Palestinians killed are children”. Israel rejects Human Rights Council report regarding the assault on Gaza; Netanyahu describes it as biased.
o Israel threatens to intercept the Swedish Freedom Flotilla if it nears Gaza.

o The Druze sect in Israel requests intervention on behalf of Syrian Druze; Netanyahu wary of being drawn into civil war.

• Inner pages:

o Liberman seeks new voters: right-wingers against the “Haredim”!
o Israeli military expert: The next round of fighting Hezbollah will be more difficult and more violent than the second Lebanon war.

o New B’tselem report: A Palestinian charged in an Israeli military court is as good as convicted.
o A decade after the Disengagement Plan: Netanyahu creates pretexts to avoid its repeat in the West Bank.
o The Israeli military prepares for cyber war by announcing a new unit!
o New Rand Institute report regarding the economic costs and consequences of five possible scenarios in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

o Ministry of Finance warns: Israel is on the way to bankruptcy.
o Houses in Israel cost 30% more than they are worth.
o OECD projects Israeli economic growth to rise by 3.5% over the next two years.

• Financial Digest:

o Ministry of Defense spending increases at double the rate of social ministries.
o Government panel probes monopoly in the Israeli banking sector.
o Greenhouse emissions are on the rise in Israel.

• Follow-up:

o Herziliya National Strength Indices: Socio-economic decline in comparison with OECD countries.
o Israeli researchers seek to change the orientalist discourse towards the Arab world.

• Special Reports:

o Despite the Supreme Court decision to evacuate the settlement and return the land to its Palestinian owners, efforts to draft a law for the confiscation of Palestinian land in Amouna resume. Failure to draft the law will result in the dissolution of the coalition and government!
o The cultural rift in Israel is widening in light of the extreme right-wing government!

• Last Page:

o The fortunes of the wealthiest 500 in Israel increase by 11%.
o New Adva Center report: Socio-economic conditions in Israel are similar to those in South American countries!
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