Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 02-06-2015



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• Front Page:

o Netanyahu: Israel is waging a crucial political and diplomatic battle.
o Tight security for South Sudanese delegation visiting an arms show in Tel Aviv.
o Exclusive Israel Scene interview with Chairman of Middle East Studies Center at the University of the Negev: “The

Goal of Netanyahu’s policies is not only to avoid reaching an agreement but also to avoid fulfillment of his own promises.”

• Inner Pages:

o On the International day for protection of children, Arab children are victims of blatant Israeli discrimination.
o Netanyahu’s successor in Likud still unknown.
o Ministerial panel appointed to streamline governmental regulatory and oversight procedures over Israeli markets.
o Netanyahu: The government will carry out natural gas drilling in a manner which guarantees competition and economic viability.
o The main objective is to maintain Israeli military readiness for a war which may erupt on several fronts and without warning.
o Netanyahu establishes an “autocracy” when it comes to lawmaking.
o Netanyahu places defense and foreign policy in the hands of the Jewish Home Party.
o Following the call to suspend Israel’s FIFA membership, Israel braces for further Palestinian action in the international arena.

• Financial Scene:

o First quarter growth lower than expected: 2.5%
o A sharp decline in tourism, 19% in the first trimester.
o Who controls the “national microphone”?

• Financial Digest:

o Unemployment sets record low in April.
o Natural gas extraction from the largest field is postponed until 2019.
o Strong, qualified women face discrimination.
• Follow-up:

o Who are the writers of the Torah? What are the sources of its texts.
o The motives behind compiling scripture and creating the Torah.

• Special Reports:

o Israeli police seeks to enhance its image by combatting organized crime.
o “Spitting on the law” in dealing with settler violence against Palestinians and their property. The goal is strategic: to create a climate of fear and terror aiming to seize more land in the West Bank.

• Last Page:

o A map to Netanyahu’s interests in Israel’s “Media and telecommunications” industry.
o Reminder: How does Netanyahu intend to achieve control?