Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 05-05-2015

• Front Page

o Rivlin understands the Ethiopian protesters while Netanyahu sides with the Police.
o Liberman resigns as Foreign Minister announcing he would not join Netanyahu’s new government.

o Exclusive Israel Scene interview with Dr. Sagi Elbaz, lecturer at Tel Aviv University and Academic College of Tel Aviv, jaffa: “Ethiopian Jews are protesting because the state has not absorbed “the others” and those who are different; it has discriminated against them.”

• Inner Pages:

o MADAR Center Activities: Volume 57 of the quarterly publication Israeli Affairs: A new topic of focus on the “New Right” or the “New Zionism”.
o The Department for the Investigation of Police (DIP) closes most citizen complaint files without any examination or investigation.
o Israeli soldier testimonies on the Gaza offensive: Destruction of homes and indiscriminate killing of civilians.
o Until the last minute, Netanyahu Maneuvers between the various positions of parties likely to join his next government.
o On Zionism’s Selective Blindness - Domination of the Palestinian other comes at a clear and evident cost: denying their humanity and ultimately denying Israeli humanity as well.

• Financial Scene:

o Apprehension in the Bank of Israel while 2015’s budget is set for approval at the end of the year.
o Tax revenues yield a surplus as public debt shrinks in relation to output.
o Mofaz does business with military industries, raising questions about politicians’ financial fortunes.

• Financial Digest:

o In seven years, house costs have risen by 64%.
o Unemployment is down to 5.3% in March.
o Israel is the most expensive country when it comes to daily household items.
• Follow-up:

o Ethiopian Jews in Israel: A deep-seated anger has erupted due to state discrimination.
o General information about Ethiopian Jews.

• Special Reports:

o Military analysts warn of the consequences to Israel’s involvement in the war in Syria.
o Wealthy Jews appropriate large sums of money to be spent on America’s internal party elections.

• Last Page:

o Special Mention: The Association for Civil Rights in Israel report regarding the characteristics of the justice system in occupied areas – One system of government with two systems of law and two justice systems.
o As of this April, the implementation of Israeli Criminal Law will take effect in the West Bank in a military effort to beautify the image of the occupation through one of its central branches.