Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 21-04-2015

• Front Page:

o Netanyahu buys more time to form a new Israeli government.
o Haifa’s municipality closes the roads leading to petrochemical factories following increased cancer rates.
o 15 charges are expected to be filed in a large corruption case in which leaders within Liberman’s party are suspected to be involved.

o Over 23,320 people have been killed in the wars and battles waged by Israel up to the year 2015.
o The Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies, MADAR, launches its new website.
• Inner Pages:

o From government to Knesset to Supreme Court: Their decisions reflect the depth of concern about the successes of the boycott movement and the extent of its influence.
o Reactions: “The ruling is evidence of the Supreme Court’s negative role in intervening in important human rights cases.
o The Israeli “bubble parties” compete for the same voters before they disappear.
o Exclusive Israel Scene interview with University of Haifa department of Israeli History professor Daniel Gutfein: “The possibility of the formation of a narrow right-wing government by Netanyahu is now a reality.”
o Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies director: “Netanyahu’s victory has kept in power the only leader with the possible political bravery to order a military strike on Iran.”
o In a unanimous seven judge ruling, Israel’s Supreme Court authorizes a policy of revenge from its “security” prisoners by depriving them of university education while in prison.

• Financial Scene:

o Israel backpedals in its restrictions on Noble Energy’s monopolies on the natural gas fields.
o Bank of Israel opposes increased allocations for children while the Haredim insist.

• Financial Digest:

o Slight inflation rise in March maintains “negative” inflation.
o Some houses in Tel Aviv cost between 28 and 50 million dollars.
o International report: Israel loses 1.5 billion dollars of food yearly.

• Follow-up:

o “Poverty crime” phenomenon is on the rise only as a means to continue living in Israel.
o The relationship between Israel’s military and its political environment is changing.

• Special Reports:

o Netanyahu’s negotiations to form a government still unsuccessful.
o Every year around Holocaust Remembrance, Israelis are actively imbued with a “constant fear” of extermination and “ongoing Holocaust”.

• Last Page:

o European Jews are not quick to accept invitations to migrate to Israel.
o New report: “Anti-Semitic incidents” rose by 38% worldwide in 2014.