Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 07-04-2015

1- Following the Passover holiday, coalition negotiations enter an intense phase to form Netanyahu’s fourth government.
2- Israeli intelligence does not expect its Western counterparts to cooperate with it against Iran.
3- Israel is primarily fearful of the lifting of sanctions on Iran and the expansion of its regional influence.

4- Calls for Netanyahu to form a unity government in order influence any permanent agreement between world powers and Iran.
5- In his first month of service, Israel’s military Chief of Staff focused his efforts on maintaining “full power and readiness” of the Israeli military.
6- Israel does not possess a political or military strategy with which to confront its present enemies.
7- Bank of Israel: The increased military budget requires raising taxes.
8- Financial summary: Bank of Israel raises economic growth projections.
9- Minimum wage increase begins implementation.
10- Netanyahu’s next government may increase allocations for children.
11- New study confirms: Civil Service comes at the expense of jobs for the disenfranchised.
12- Israel’s Land Authority sells 4 times more residential units for the settlements than it does for Arab cities and villages within the Green Line.
13- Israel has adopted a hidden alternate route to legitimize “illegal” settlement blocs.
14- Hertzog and Livni intentionally avoided the settlements issue throughout the election campaign due to their responsibility for not dismantling the “settlement blocs”.
15- In expelling African asylum seekers, Israel uses terminology that is similar to the one used in opposition to the return of Palestinian refugees.
16- Kindergarten negligence has led to the death of five children.
17- Despite Labor Party’s “leap” in the last elections, Right-wing and religious parties still dominate Israel’s political map.
18- One out of every five regular army soldiers receives financial aid due to poor financial conditions.
19- Out of 794 complaints against judges in 2014, only 55 were found to be legitimate by the Commissioner.
20- The branch responsible for the implementation of democracy in Israel suffers from a disintegration of values.