Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 24-03-2015

• Front Page:

o A word at the beginning: Israeli society is mostly right-wing par excellence.
o 67 members of Knesset recommend Netanyahu form the next Israeli government.
o J-Street to Jewish Americans: Netanyahu does not represent us!


• Inner Pages:

o Exclusive Israeli Scene interview with Al-Monitor political analyst Akiva Eldar: “Herzog and Livni will face opposition to joining the new government and Netanyahu will be exposed before the world.”
o Analysis: Lack of alternatives to Netanyahu’s policy as well as arrogance and disregard for Mizrahi Jews is behind the defeat of the center-left in yet another Israeli election.
o The obstacles inherent to the new Israeli government’s composition and beyond.
o Public opinion polls did not err. There are changes within the political camps.
o After the dust has settled over the 20th Knesset elections, efforts are launched to form the 34th Israeli government.
o The final results of the 20th Knesset elections.
• Financial Scene:

o The Ministry of finance intends to raise growth projections to 3.5%.
o News analysis: Israel’s elections has become a press and television “war”.

• Financial Digest:

o Inflation continues to plummet as March approaches.
o The export sector fluctuates between a rising Dollar and plummeting Euro.
o Gaza offensive responsible for 0.3% drop in growth.
• Follow-up:

o Israel’s political parties’ platforms reveal the shortcomings of the education system and do away with teaching peace, democracy and fighting racism.
o “A black day” for Israeli media following its failure to predict election results accurately.

• Special Reports:

o The Institute for National Security Studies: Military confrontation between Israel and Hamas in Gaza and Israel and Hezbollah in Syria – two possible scenarios in the foreseeable future.
o A Molad Center for the Renewal of Israeli Democracy investigation confirms: The Jewish Home Party used government funds to secure electoral support.

• Last Page:

o In the wake of the abduction of three settlers, there is a sharp increase in torture practices during Shabak interrogations.
o Israeli Intelligence Heritage and Commemoration Center study: American national intelligence failure to include Iran and Hezbollah on the list of terrorist threats will encourage Iran to expand its support of terrorism.