Read the Israeli Scene Supplement 27-01-2015

• Front Page:

o Under cover of elections: An Israeli plan to build a settlement adjacent to Bethlehem.
o Israel’s Police Commissioner: Corruption within the institution requires radical treatment.
o Israeli media to Arabs in Israel: Go and vote!

o Exclusive Israel Scene interview with Institute for National Security Studies at Tel Aviv University researcher Gabi Siboni: “There is a score to settle between Hezbollah and Israel; the response to the Quneitra attack may come years from now.”

• Inner Pages:

o Kahlon’s political program increases the likelihood of the right-wing remaining in power.
o Against the backdrop of Israel’s general elections, the Supreme court rejects a petition filed against raising the electoral threshold.
o Israel: Raid in Quneitra is due to Hezbollah and Iran opening a new front against us in the Golan.
o Knesset Research Center: Israeli economy will suffer great damage if economic boycott is implemented on a wider scale.
o Israeli experts warn: The rules of the game have changed since Palestine joined the International Criminal Court.
o Physicians for Human Rights in a first-of-its-kind report: Palestinians live less and fall ill more than Israelis because of inequality in health conditions due to the occupation.
• Financial Scene:

o Inflation dropped by 0.2% in 2014, reflecting sharp economic lag.
o In 2014, tourism declined by 1%, and total number of tourists by 0.8%.
• Financial Digest:

o Israeli warnings about cancelation of natural gas deals with Jordan and Egypt.
o Transfer of military bases to the South will cost 6 billion dollars.

• Special Coverage:

o Asher Grunis ends his term as President of Israel’s Supreme Court: Judiciary “moderation” facing government and Knesset as well as restrictions on cases against human rights organizations.
o Israel’s new Supreme Court President Miram Naor: A “moderate” judge and “unpredictable” except on a few specific issues.

• Follow-up:

o Israeli perspective: Saudi Arabia will face internal and external challenges following the death of king Abdullah.
o Israeli Ministry of Education data: “Jewish Culture” budget is dozens of times higher than that of “Democracy and Tolerance”.

• Last Page:

o A great scandal rocks one of Israel’s most important and sensitive official institutions. Israel Land Authority president is suspected of using his position to advance his and his relatives’ interests by taking advantage of “state-owned land”.
o MADAR Center activities: A study detailing the Settlements’ catastrophic effects on the Palestinian economy. Israeli Papers 65: A report on the “secret coffers” financing settlement activity and another on the Nitzanei Shalom industrial zone.