"بوش صوّت منذ الآن لشارون..."!

الموقع: Madar Center
الفعالية: Seminars
الاتصال: 022966201

This seminar presents a study on racist laws enacted by the outgoing 20th Knesset in support of the occupation and settlement activity. The study explores the impact of these laws on the election contest as well as on the political and partisan scene on the eve of the 2019 Knesset elections.
The seminar brings together:
Mr. Barhoum Jaraysi, Mr. Antoine Shulhut, and Dr. Honaida Ghanim

[The Israeli 20th Knesset (7 May 2015—1 January 2019) saw an unprecedented wave of racist legislation, which was promulgated in support of the occupation and settlement activity. The Knesset reviewed a total of 221 bills. Of these, 35 bills were approved in the final reading. Another six were integrated into enacted laws. This effectively means that 41 laws were passed. Approved in the first reading, two bills are still on the Knesset agenda. On the other hand, 23 bills were approved in the preliminary reading, but remained at this stage of the law making process. The latter reflect the composition of the Knesset. Furthermore, 153 bills were included on the Knesset agenda, but have not been enacted yet. By contrast, under the Kadima government (2006—2009) led by Ehud Olmert, the 17th Knesset approved six laws. Under Benjamin Netanyahu’s government (2009—2013), the 18th Knesset passed eight laws. In other words, compared to the 17th Knesset, racist, discriminatory laws in support of settlement activity sharply roe by 583 percent under the fourth Netanyahu government (assuming that only 35 laws are counted). These also jumpstarted by 437 percent in comparison to the 18th Knesset, when Netanyahu also led the government.]
(From the Outcome of Racist Colonial Laws in Support of the Occupation and Settlement Activity in the Outgoing 20th Knesset)

The seminar will be held at 11:30 am, on Wednesday 20 March 2019
At MADAR Offices, Al-Masyoun, Ibn Khaldoun Building, 2nd Floor