الفعالية: Seminars

Ramallah – In a seminar held by the Palestinian Forum for Israeli Studies (MADAR) at its office in Ramallah, participants asserted that the next Israeli election round on 17 September would be decisive for Benjamin Netanyahu. Not only does it have a bearing on his potential prosecution for corruption, but it also would be critical for Netanyahu to complete his political project of “Greater Israel.” Netanyahu has already promised to “establish Jewish sovereignty” and include settlement outposts in the annexation project. He has gone on military adventures that have the potential to trigger a war.

According to participants, what makes this election campaign special is that the word “occupation” has been dropped from all Zionist parties’ election programs. Despite slight differences between the two main parties, settlers and settlement activity are firmly established in the political debate. Practically, the battle is being waged between the populist right wing on the one hand and parties advocating economic and social agendas on the other.speker3.9

Titled “The Israeli Elections and their Reflections on Palestinians,” the seminar brought together Antoine Shulhut, director of the Israeli Scene Unit, MADAR; Aida Touma, member of the Joint List for the Democratic Front for Peace and Equality; and Sami Abu Shehadeh, member of the Joint List for the National Democratic Alliance. Sessions were moderated by Honaida Ghanim, director general of MADAR.

In her opening remarks, Ghanim explained that Palestinians’ presence in election campaigns takes on three forms: an obstacle to be overcome; a security issue that requires more deterrence; and an obscure, camouflaged presence.


According to Shulhut, almost two weeks ahead of the Israeli elections for the 22nd Knesset it has been increasingly clear that the Kahol Lavan (Blue and White) alliance is presenting itself as a substitute for Benjamin Netanyahu. At the political level, Kahol Lavan embraces the discourse and approach of the populist settler right wing.

The Kahol Lavan election program talks about unified Jerusalem and commitment toward settlement blocs. Viewing it as an “eternal part of Israel,” the alliance asserts that the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is nonnegotiable. This position has never been declared by any Israeli government.

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Shulhut made clear that the Kahol Lavan alliance’s main mission was to restore the “central Zionist movement” as part of the battle for setting the house in order.

In his presentation, Sami Abu Shehadeh elaborated on the electoral environment among Palestinians of Israel. Abu Shehadeh expected that the re-established Joint List would win an increasing number of seats.

While there is an election battle, a political debate is not taking place in Israel. Even Meretz does not dare to talk about settlements, nor is it capable of touching on the occupation.

In relation to the real force of the Palestinians in Israel, 950,000 Palestinians have the right to vote. This is the equivalent of 25 seats, “a very influential figure.”

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According to Aida Touma, Netanyahu is using all possible tools to win the elections. As evidenced by his statements, Netanyahu is obsessed with making history as if he would bring into reality the so-called “Greater Israel” project. To build national momentum and influence the electoral scene, Netanyahu has opted for a military escalation and launched air strikes on four Arab countries over a short span of time.

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Also in this context, Netanyahu has made desperate efforts to unify the right wing and deploy Jerusalem through promotional home demolitions in Al-Isawiya. He further pledged to give a ministerial portfolio to extremist Moshe Feiglin. Netanyahu is also pondering the changing of the status quo in al-Aqsa Mosque.

The problem facing the Palestinians of Israel is this: the group that spearheads a political project has fragmented, presenting a challenge to the credibility of political parties. Touma also gave an overview of the electoral map: Approximately 12 percent of the population are boycotting the election for ideological reasons. A large proportion of the electorate have lost confidence in the possibility of change.

Touma concluded that the fall of Netanyahu does not mean an end to his profound impact on the Israeli scene and, consequently the Palestinian context. However, a much work remains to face the Israeli oppression.


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