The Israeli Scene

A weekly supplement that includes newspaper articles, critical analysis, and close follow-up of developments in the Israeli scene.



مرحبا بكم في صفحة الأرشيف الخاصة بنا. ستجد في هذه الصفحة إجمالي 828 من مقالاتنا مقسمة إلى شهور وسنوات.
تقارير خاصة

عشية افتتاح السنة الدراسية: عدم رضى من جهاز التعليم في إسرائيل وخيبة أمل من أدائه!

ثمة جدل واسع ومتشعب لا يتوقف حول جهاز التربية والتعليم في إسرائيل، وخصوصا في السنوات الأخيرة. وهذا الجدل يطول كل ما يتعلق بهذا الجهاز، من بنى تحتية وموارد مادية وميزانيات حتى "الثمار" التي يعطيها ه... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Poet Darin Tatour reflects on her detention and trial

Political prosecution, detention and restriction of freedom of expression are symptoms of the crisis Israel lives... Read More

The Israeli Scene

A new report of Adva Centre on the eve of the new academic year:

47% of high school students in the penultimate school year in Israel did not deserve the Bagrut certificate... Read More

The Israeli Scene

Close confidantes of Netanyahu:

Ehud Barak set the Middle East on fire and caused damage that can hardly be reversed even dozens of years ahead!... Read More

The Israeli Scene

The Movement For Saving Jewish Jerusalem:

“Demographic danger” to be confronted by means of a “security separation wall”, which isolates Palestinian towns and neighbourhoods in Jerusalem!... Read More

The Economic Scene

Economic brief 23/08/2016

Despite a rise in Europe, continued decline of exports to the USA and Asia Ongoing discrimination against the Arabs in the government employ Report: Israel is among the worst countries in payments of ... Read More